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Advanced Rider Training (ART) - Home

ART Class of 2024
The Class of 2024!  Hope to see you on the track in 2025 (date TBC).  

Ride safe.

~The ART Steering Committee

Key ART 2025 Dates


8 Feb 2025:   Registration open to BMWMC of Ottawa members.

5 Apr 2025:   Registration open to public. 
28 Apr 2025:  No refunds after this date unless we have a suitable replacement on the waiting list.
26 Apr 2025: Tech Inspection day.  See Bike Prep for details.   

26 Apr 2025 - 26 May 2025: Mandatory technical inspection of your motorcycle 

26 May 2025 - Advanced Rider Training 2025


Course Cost
is $315 until 4 April 2025, after which the price is $345 for all registrants. Pillion $95 (Select registrants only, contact head coach).

Payment is required promptly upon registration to secure your spot. See Payment Methods.

Cancellation with full refund is possible up to and including 28 April 2025. After this date, refunds will only be given provided we have a suitable replacement candidate. Contact head coach to cancel.  

Advanced Rider Training


ART has been developed by our club to help riders improve motorcycle skill, handling and confidence in cornering.  ART is not intended to be a "track school", it is a practical cornering school for club level riders that fills the gap between existing advanced "parking lot" courses and full track training.

We offer ~50 participants the opportunity learn up to date theory on motorcycle cornering in a classroom following by on-track practice.  For the on-track sessions, you will be placed in groups of similar skill and experience levels.  The small groups will be led and followed by experienced coaches to ensure a controlled and safe learning environment.  You can expect up to seven 20 minute track sessions, in what will be a busy but very rewarding day.

Interview about ART School with Head Coach Jeff Miller


General FAQ's 

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Who is ART for?
Who is ART for?
Members get first priority on the limited slots available.  If there are slots left we open registration to others.

Participants are grouped by skill level so everyone can ride at an appropriate pace in a safe and controlled learning environment. 

This course is for you if you want to Ride Every Road Better.

All riders must have a valid motorcycle driver's license (M) and have at least 2000km of driving experience.

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What do I have to wear?
What do I have to wear?
ATGATT - Every rider must wear approved safety gear.  Full leathers are not required however quality gear (jacket and pants) with armour most definitely is.  Full face helmet (DOT) is also required.

Details are provided on the student resources page.  Participants are required to review it carefully and show up properly attired or you run the risk of not being allowed on the track.

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Do I have to modify my motorcycle?
Do I have to modify my motorcycle?
No you do not, however each bike must be inspected prior to participating on track to ensure that it is in good condition.  Any deficiencies must be corrected prior to going on the track.

An approved list of club inspectors and details can be found on the student resources page.

For participants from out of our area, there will be an inspector available on the morning of ART ... but please make sure you bike is ready to go!

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How much does it cost?
How much does it cost?
The current rates for 2025:
$315 for club members until 4 April 2024,
$345 for registrations on/after 5 April 2024.
$95 for pillion (select registrants only) 

Please note: no cancellations will be accepted after April 28th - Substitutions may be possible if a suitable replacement rider is available.

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How many students do you accept?
How many students do you accept?
In general we cap registrations at ~50, however we may accept a few more or less depending on the mix of riders in any given year. 

We run three levels to help keep the groups as homogeneous as possible, and try to balance the track slots to avoid overcrowding.  

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What if it rains?
What if it rains?
Advanced Rider Training is a rain or shine event. As you well know, late May can bring virtually any type of weather: cold, wet, humid or hot.  Keep an eye on the weather forecast as ART approaches and be prepared for the expected conditions.   

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Can I time my laps?
Can I time my laps?
No, absolutely not!  ART is not about lap times, it is all about proper riding and cornering technique.  Timing laps will lead to your removal from the course.

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What about insurance?
What about insurance?
BMWMC of Ottawa has insurance for liability - not damages (other than damage to the CMP facility). Should your bike get damaged on the track, our policy will not cover damage to your bike. This is true for both students and staff. 

It is the 
opinion of our broker that your personnel vehicle policy would cover damages since we do not race and we do not allow lap timing (we are striving to make you a more competent, confident and therefore safer rider). Resolution of a claim for damages is between the rider and his/her personal insurance policy.

ART 2022 Group 3 and Coaches
Some great shots from previous years.

Registration FAQ's
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After registration what can I expect?
After registration what can I expect?
We will review your application data and will reach out if we have questions.  As ART approaches you will receive an email with further instructions.  If you are placed on our waitlist, that will be indicated clearly in the email you receive.

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Why did I not receive an email reply after registration?
Why did I not receive an email reply after registration?
If several days have passed, there is a chance that the email you provided us had a typo.  In this case, please contact the head coach to follow up.

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Why am I on the waitlist? What are my chances?
Why am I on the waitlist? What are my chances?
You were placed on our waitlist because our program is full.  Every year, we have cancellations and last minute withdrawals, so there is a chance you will be able to attend ... be ready just in case.

As a waitlisted student you do not have to pay until we tell you we have a spot for you.

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I paid, why have I not received confirmation?
I paid, why have I not received confirmation?
If paying by credit card you should receive confirmation immediately upon payment.  When paying by Interac eTransfer (or cash/cheque), the confirmation will take a bit longer.  Once we have confirmation of payment (please be patient), we will email a receipt.